On 25 February 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine, a girl looks at the crater left by an explosion in front of an apartment building which was heavily damaged during ongoing military operations.
On 24 February, the Russian Federation announced a military operation on Ukraine that is likely to have a significant impact on the lives of children and families in communities throughout the country.
As reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on 26 February: “Major attacks have been reported across Ukraine, including in the capital, Kyiv, spreading widespread fear and panic that forced many people into shelters and subways as air raid sirens rang out in the streets of the capital. Significant infrastructural damage has left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity or water, while bridges and roads damaged by shelling have left communities cut off from markets for food and other basic supplies. The most pressing humanitarian needs are emergency medical services, critical medicines, health supplies and equipment, safe water for drinking and hygiene, and shelter and protection for those displaced from their homes. As conflict intensified in recent days, people began to flee the capital – home to nearly 3 million people – and other conflict-affected areas of Ukraine into neighbouring European countries, including Poland, Moldova and Romania. While the scale and scope of displacement will only likely become apparent in the coming days and weeks, Ukrainian authorities estimate that as many as 5 million people could flee the country, triggering a refugee crisis that will test response capacities in neighbouring countries.”
Now in its eighth year, the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has taken a heavy toll on the civilian population of 3.4 million people, including 510,000 children living in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. This protracted crisis has disrupted the daily lives of children and families living on both sides of the line o
Dhjetë civilë, duke përfshirë dy fëmijë, janë vrarë nga bombardimet në rajonet e Kievit dhe Luhansk në dy ditët e fundit, thonë zyrtarët.
Shtatë civilë u vranë dhe pesë u plagosën si rezultat i një sulmi me mortaja në qytetin Makariv të rajonit të Kievit më 18 mars, njoftoi forca policore e Rajonit të Kievit në Facebook të nesërmen.
Një grua dhe dy fëmijë u gjetën të vdekur nën rrënojat e një shtëpie që u shemb si pasojë e granatimeve në qytetin Rubizhne në rajonin e Luhansk më 19 mars, njoftoi Shërbimi Shtetëror i Emergjencave në Telegram.
Edhe një fëmijë i tretë ishte nxjerrë nga rrënojat mirëpo ishte në gjendje të mirë shëndetësore.